Dealing with back to school stress

Dealing with back to school stress

Going back to school after a long holiday can bring on a lot of emotions for parents and children alike. These feelings can range from excitement to concern, or anxiety.

Here are a few ways to manage some of the stress you or your children may be feeling as schools reopens for a new session.

Reestablish A Routine

Help your kids create structure about going back with a school routine. Let your knowledge and experience what best helps your child during times of change and transition guide you.

You can use this template to create checklists that will help you and your child follow a routine:

  • what needs to be done each day for school like getting up, eating breakfast, dressing
  • what help does your child need from you to get ready?
  • what they can do on their own? (Establish these together).

You might also need to adjust your own schedule to make transitioning back to school mode smoother. If you can’t in the mornings, arrange the evenings so you can give as much time as your child needs, especially during the first week.

Talk About Going Back to School

Most children deal with some level of stress or anxiety about school. They have insight into their school experiences, so find out what worries them by asking directly. Reassure your child that being nervous is natural – even for teachers. Let them know you can worry and still have courage.

To help your child cope with these feelings:

  • Let them express their fears. Share stories of your own first-day jitters when you were a child.
  • Teach them to breathe deeply and slowly to calm their nerves.
  • Discuss the scenarios that worry them and rehearse solutions so they can be prepared.
  • Set up a peer-buddy system or car pool where your kid can go to school with his/her peers


Look out for signs of stress

It can be a stressful time for children, readjusting to a new class and new people. Look out for these signs in your child so you don’t miss an opportunity to support them and help them feel less overwhelmed:

  • is clingier than usual or tries to escape from the classroom
  • appears restless and flighty or cries
  • shows an increased desire to avoid activities through negotiations and deal-making
  • tries to get out of going to school
  • retreats to thumb sucking, baby language or increased attachment to favorite soft toys (for younger students).


Encourage your children to ask questions

Your children are going to have a lot of questions about the new session! What will be the same? What will be different? While many schools will provide necessary information, sometimes children want a different or more relatable answer. Ensure you’re available to answer any questions your children may have, and let them know nothing is off-limits to talk about.

If you have any questions you don’t have enough information about, you can always reach out to us on WhatsApp, Instagram, or Facebook.


Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education

The Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies is a nine-month, pre-university qualification accredited by NCC Education, a leading UK awarding organisation in IT and Business.

Many UK universities recognise the Level 3 International Diploma for Higher Education Studies as an entry qualification to BA, BSc or BEng degree courses. You can also apply to universities in the USA, Canada, Ireland and Australia.

Helping children have a routine.

Helping children have a routine.

For each and every one of us, routine is essential. We are thrown into chaos without a schedule, frequently unclear of what we should be doing or even what day of the week it is. A schedule is very crucial for youngsters, especially in terms of their mental health and behavior.


The current COVID-19 epidemic has resulted in the closure of several schools, causing the usual school day to be entirely disrupted. As a result, many parents and guardians are forced to establish new routines in order to provide structure to their children’s and own lives. However, this might feel like a daunting undertaking, and it can be tough to know where to begin.

Why is it necessary for children to have a routine?

A child’s life benefits from routine because it provides stability and comfort, as well as a feeling of normalcy. Children are afraid of the unknown, and while change is necessary in life, it can also cause a great deal of stress for them. Routine helps to alleviate stress and provides a sense of stability.

The advantages of establishing a routine for youngsters are numerous and extensive. Maintaining a routine:

  • Teaches a youngster the value of time management while also assisting them in sticking to a timetable. If your child goes to bed at the same time every night, for example, they will quickly learn that the hour before bedtime is when they should start calming down.
  • It aids in the setting of expectations. Instead of debating who should set the table for dinner, if it’s put in someone’s weekly planner, they’ll know it’s their duty and be ready to do it.
  • Provides a youngster with self-assurance and independence. If a kid has a chore put in their weekly planner, even if it’s as simple as brushing their teeth before bed, they’ll be able to glance at their planner and know to do it without being instructed, instilling a feeling of independence and pride.
  • Habits are formed. Having a routine in place, whether it’s brushing their teeth in the morning or doing their schoolwork before supper, helps youngsters develop these habits and teaches them how to manage their time.


  • Habits are formed. Having a routine in place, whether it’s brushing their teeth in the morning or doing their schoolwork before supper, helps youngsters develop these habits and teaches them how to manage their time.
  • Encourages youngsters to be enthused about upcoming events. Children have something to look forward to if they know what to expect, such as watching a movie together one evening or baking cake together on the weekend.


Finally, and probably most importantly, establishing a routine for children during this epidemic provides stability and consistency in an environment that is frequently unknown, uncontrolled, and unexpected. While we have no influence over what occurs outside of our houses or in the world around us, we do have power over what occurs within them. When you establish a pattern in a child’s life, you assist to instill a feeling of normalcy and reduce the stress of the outside world.



Five Activities to Incorporate Into Your Child’s Weekly Routine

You don’t want to add to the pressure and stress by developing a schedule that’s overly complicated or has unrealistic daily goals for both your child and yourself at this time. For a planner to be useful, it does not need to be complex or loaded with thousands of ideas. Here are some suggestions for sticking to a schedule, as well as ideas you may include into your own planner.


Maintain a Routine That Is Identical to What Is Normally Done

Despite the fact that the current situation is far from normal, sticking to your regular routine as much as possible might assist to restore a sense of normalcy. This might include getting up at the same time every day as if they were going to school, eating all three meals at the same time throughout the day, and having organized periods for other activities like naps, exercise, and going to bed at night.


Additionally, while it may be tempting to keep your children in their pajamas all day, you should encourage them to dress. This will help to increase productivity and maintain a clear distinction between day and night.


Be active.

Encourage your children to walk around and get up during the day. Find creative methods to move around at home, in addition to making the most of your daily allotment of outside exercise, which you might utilize on a family stroll, for example. This might be as simple as skipping in the garden, jogging up and down the stairs, or participating in a more planned exercise.

Exercise provides a lot of benefits for a child’s mental health, in addition to physical benefits like as strengthening bones, growing muscles, and assisting in the maintenance of a healthy weight. Exercise has been shown to boost a child’s self-esteem and confidence, as well as have a beneficial impact on their behavior and perspective. It also teaches children the value of exercising and being healthy from a young age.


Encourage learning.

Learning should not be put on hold. It’s crucial to remember, though, that no one expects you to educate your kids for six hours a day, five days a week. At this point, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. There are several services accessible online for youngsters to ensure that their minds remain active and engaged. This contains complete schemes of work, examinations, and instructional activities available online.

Furthermore, learning does not have to be just centered on the curriculum. Even asking your child to help you prepare dinner can teach them a valuable life skill and teach them about different types of food; reading a book can improve a child’s vocabulary and empathy; and encouraging them to be creative through other fun activities like coloring can help them concentrate and focus.


Stay Connected

Everyone benefits from social interactions and connections: they are what make us human, and we might become lonely without them. While going out and socializing with our pals is not feasible due to the present lockdown and social isolation measures, staying in contact with people electronically is not only possible but actively encouraged.


Skype, FaceTime, and Zoom are all excellent ways to stay in touch with friends and family while having a virtual face-to-face chat. Furthermore, messaging applications such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are a fantastic way to stay in touch with people, as long as they are utilized responsibly.


Control Screen Time

While being in contact with friends and family is critical at this time, it’s equally critical to keep screen usage under control. Children will increase their screen usage when they have more time on their hands, whether it’s to contact their pals, play online games, or strive to become TikTok famous. However, it is critical to attempt to limit the amount of time that children spend in front of screens while also ensuring that they are secure online.

It’s a good idea to incorporate free time into your child’s routine, which they may use to play a game or check their phone. Allowing your children to do this at a certain period each day, or after finishing a piece of schoolwork, for example, will teach them the value of spending time away from their screens and appreciating the time they do spend on them.


Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education

The Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies is a nine-month, pre-university qualification accredited by NCC Education, a leading UK awarding organisation in IT and Business.

Many UK universities recognise the Level 3 International Diploma for Higher Education Studies as an entry qualification to BA, BSc or BEng degree courses. You can also apply to universities in the USA, Canada, Ireland and Australia.

Understanding the learning style of a child

Understanding the learning style of a child

As parents, we are familiar with our children’s preferences, dislikes, habits, and desires. Understanding their unique learning style can help us improve the way we teach children throughout their lives, allowing them to master their schoolwork and thrive in life. Gaining a better understanding of how our son or daughter learns and absorbs information will assist us help them be and achieve their best both inside and outside the classroom. Despite the fact that many people have a mix of learning styles, the majority of people have a favorite technique of learning. While each learning technique has advantages and disadvantages, we can see that there are several methods to learn and improve.


At Ladela School, we recognize that children learn in different ways, and we strive to educate in a way that is appropriate for them. We collaborate with you, the parents, to ensure your child’s success in reading and in life.


The three primary learning modes are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. However, psychologist Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences encompasses eight additional learning styles in addition to basic learning styles. Here’s a quick rundown of each:


1. Visual:

These right brain learners have an easy time reading maps and graphs, so they excel at geometry, but they may struggle with numbers in general. They may struggle with reading and writing, but they are imaginative and learn from their surroundings. They may have trouble following oral instructions, but they are quite good at following written instructions.

Learning aids include diagrams, maps, charts, and infographics. To aid learning, highlight essential information in a book’s text.


2. Verbal:  

These are the kind of students that receive knowledge best when it is spoken to them. They are exceptional in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and remembering what they have read. They excel at writing, speaking, and even rhyming.

Take good notes, look through exam results, create key phrases, and form mnemonics to assist youngsters retain and recall topics to improve learning retention.


3. Logical:

These are those that excel at mathematics and logical reasoning. They can quickly comprehend abstract information and evaluate cause and effect. They excel in games such as chess. They organize information well, generate well-organized lists, and build well-organized itineraries.

Learning hints: Rather than remembering the lessons, help these students grasp the principles underlying them. It will aid their learning if they establish precise objectives with rewards and track their progress toward those goals.



4. Auditory:

Musical students think in terms of sounds rather than visuals. Step-by-step techniques are the most effective for them. They are fluent in English and do well in oral tests. They are typically musically gifted and can recognize notes, rhythms, and tones.

Reading aloud, memorizing material, listening to music while studying, and participating in discussions (auditory) about the subject matter that they are learning will help these students succeed. To assist them remember new information, they use mnemonic devices, songs, and rhymes.


5. Interactional:

These students learn through engaging with others. They are good in groups and have a good grasp of other people’s emotions and facial expressions. They can pinpoint the source of communication issues in a group situation, and they prefer not to study in a closed environment.

Learning hints: These students gain from passing on what they’ve learned to others. Interviewing people to hear about their opinions might be beneficial. Volunteering and engaging in service-oriented organisations are areas where they may shine.

6. Intrapersonal:

These students prefer to work alone and employ self-study. They are very aware of their emotions, who they are, and what they excel in. They are self-sufficient and enjoy learning new things every day. They are good at self-management and self-reflection.

Learning hints: These students do best when they are able to study alone and in a peaceful environment. Journaling is beneficial to them. They must figure out how to link what they’ve learned with what they’re learning now.



7. Physical (Kinesthetic):

These students like moving about. They are generally athletically gifted, and walking while reading can help them learn more effectively.

Physical/kinesthetic learners will benefit from hands-on learning. Making their lessons into art projects can help them learn more effectively.



8. Naturalistic:

These students learn by connecting knowledge to natural patterns. They might become farmers or scientists when they grow up. They enjoy being outside and are fascinated by flora and animals.

Learning hints: Use nature to pique your interest in learning; recognize and categorize to improve your understanding.


Give your youngster all they require to succeed in life.


Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education

The Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies is a nine-month, pre-university qualification accredited by NCC Education, a leading UK awarding organisation in IT and Business.

Many UK universities recognise the Level 3 International Diploma for Higher Education Studies as an entry qualification to BA, BSc or BEng degree courses. You can also apply to universities in the USA, Canada, Ireland and Australia.

10 tips to help get your child organized.

10 tips to help get your child organized.

Getting organized can help children with learning and cognitive disabilities. It may take some work at first, but it will pay off in the long term. Here are some suggestions for helping youngsters develop their organizational abilities at home, school, and elsewhere.

1. Tasks should be broken down into manageable pieces.

Assist children in breaking down school projects or domestic duties into smaller, more doable segments. This will demonstrate to them that each activity has a beginning, middle, and conclusion, making tasks feel less daunting. For example, if your child’s evening duty is to clear the table, explain to him or her: “First, scrape any food crumbs into the rubbish.” After that, put the dishes in the dishwasher. Then wipe the countertops clean.

 2. Make to-do lists and checklists.

Once children understand all of the procedures required in a specific activity, assist them in adding it to an overall to-do list. Make a list of your normal schoolwork and tasks. Encourage children to put the list somewhere they will see it frequently and where they will be able to cross off their successes as they go. Some children may make their list with the help of a smartphone app. Others may use a dry-erase board in their bedroom or print out a list to carry with them throughout the day.


 3. Teach them how to use a calendar and time management skills.

Encourage children to use a calendar to record essential tasks (digital or paper). Then assist them in estimating how long each job will take. After they finish a task, inquire whether or not the time estimate was correct. Make changes for the next time if necessary. It may also be beneficial for children to write the due date directly on school work.


4. Create everyday routines.

Creating a routine can help children understand what to expect throughout the day. Make use of visual schedules, clocks, and other time management techniques.


5.  Idea organizers should be introduced.

Demonstrate how to arrange ideas for school projects using outlines, graphic organizers, or concept webs. Encourage them to write notes in two columns, one on the left for key concepts or questions and one on the right for all the specifics. Later, while they’re studying for an exam, they may review what’s in the narrow column to determine if they recall the main ideas and the specifics.


6.  Make use of color coding.

Each educational subject should be assigned a color. Green folders and notebooks, for example, may be for English and blue for arithmetic. For items that need to be signed and returned, use brightly colored pocket folders. To assist kids transition from the position of writer to the role of self-checker and editor, suggest using various colored pens.


7.  Make amusing memory aides.

Show students how to retain knowledge by making up their own humorous phrases, songs, acronyms, or cartoons. (A common mnemonic for remembering north, east, south, and west is “Never Eat Soggy Waffles.”) These memory enhancers may be used for everything from studying for an exam to remembering a locker combination.


8.  Create a well-organized work environment.

Set aside areas at home where each youngster may focus on their task without being interrupted. It would be better if you keep this somewhere close to you in case they need your help. Keep educational supplies and technology like calculators, tablets, and laptops close to hand.


9.  Audit your backpacks on a regular basis.

Because your child’s backpack serves as a vital link between home and school, it is critical that it be kept tidy. Schedule a weekly time for the youngsters to clean out and tidy their backpacks.


10.  Assist children in planning ahead.

Sit down together before night to go through the day’s plans. This can help children feel more safe. You can plan how to manage things if there is a change in the schedule.


Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education

The Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies is a nine-month, pre-university qualification accredited by NCC Education, a leading UK awarding organisation in IT and Business.

Many UK universities recognise the Level 3 International Diploma for Higher Education Studies as an entry qualification to BA, BSc or BEng degree courses. You can also apply to universities in the USA, Canada, Ireland and Australia.

What parents should look for when considering a change of school for their child

What parents should look for when considering a change of school for their child

How do you decide which school is best for your child? Whether you’re enrolling in a public or private school, or homeschooling, or paying tuition, proper planning is essential. As you go through the process of selecting a school for your kid, examine the following questions and use the area provided to put down your ideas. Remember, you’re searching for a school that will make your child’s and your educational experience as rewarding as possible.

Make a list of the five most important things to you.

As you examine your educational options, you might want to jot down five things that are most important to you. You may wish to add to and amend your list as you move through the selecting process.

Here are four stages to choosing the best school for your child:

Step 1:  Think about your child and your family.

Begin your search for the finest school by considering what you want a school to provide for your child. Your youngster may have specific language or educational requirements. Keep these things in mind. After all, you are the one who is most familiar with your child.

Your child’s needs

  • Is there a need for your child to be in a more structured setting?
  • Do you think your child might benefit from a less regimented environment?
  • Is your youngster in need of more challenging work?
  • Is your youngster in need of extra one-on-one attention?
  • Is it common for your child to require extra assistance or time to finish an assignment?
  • Do you have any concerns about your child’s learning abilities?
  • Is it necessary for your child to be in an atmosphere that encourages creativity?
  • Is your youngster in need of an English language learning program?

learning style of your child

  • Is your youngster a visual learner who like to observe how things work?
  • Is it preferable for your youngster to understand how something works by reading about it?
  • Is your child the type of person who learns best by listening?
  • Does your youngster like taking part in debates?
  • Do you have a youngster that enjoys learning via physical activity?
  • Is your kid more logical or mathematical in nature?
  • Is your youngster creative or musical?
  • Is it possible that your youngster prefers to study in a group setting?
  • Do you have a youngster that enjoys working alone?

School location

  • Do you want your child to attend a school that is a short walk from your house?
  • Can your child’s skills be developed outside of your community?
  • How far are you willing to go for your child to be bused?
  • How far will you go to get your child to school?
  • Is your youngster interested in going to school with his or her friends?
  • Do you want your child to attend a school that is close to your child’s after-school care? Is it close to your workplace? Do you live near a close relative?
  • Is there anything particular about your child’s transportation requirements that must be addressed when selecting a school?


Step 2:  Collect school-related information.

If you wanted to buy a vehicle, vacuum cleaner, or refrigerator, you might ask friends and family for recommendations and seek for information on the Internet, in consumer magazines, or in other published materials. Similarly, while looking at schools, you may need to make phone calls, collect written materials from various schools, and check for stories in your local newspaper to obtain the information you want. You can look at public school report cards and attend parent fairs. If you can locate a school that brings out the best in your child, the effort will be worthwhile.

You’ll want to know about school policies and services in addition to the schools’ courses and philosophy. Parents may also want to think about the school’s after-school offerings, such as sports, clubs, tutoring, or academic enrichment. Some schools provide extracurricular activities after school. These centers offer educational activities that supplement what is taught in school outside of typical school hours’before and after school, or during summer vacation. You could also inquire if the school provides extra educational programs, such as free tutoring, outside of regular school hours as part of the No Child Left Behind Act.


–          Is the school’s core academic curriculum strong, including English, history, mathematics, science, the arts, and foreign languages?

–          In addition to the main disciplines, what other courses does the institution offer?

–          What evidence do you have that the school is teaching kids to read effectively?

–          Is there a specific focus or theme for the curriculum at your school?

–          Is there an Advanced Placement program, , or high school honors courses available at the school?

–          Is there an enrichment program for all kids at the school? Is it appropriate for gifted students?

–          Are there any extracurricular activities at the school that support what is being taught?

–          Is there a good English language learning program for kids who really need it?

–          Is there a curriculum in place and the essential supports in place for your child’s unique learning needs if he or she has them?


Learning Approach

  • Is there a specific teaching and learning style at the school (e.g., group projects, individual performance, regular testing)?
  • If so, do you believe your child will benefit from and like this method?
  • Is the school doing all possible to ensure that every student succeeds? Is it possible for children to receive more assistance when they require it?
  • Is it possible for the school personnel to communicate in your child’s native language?
  • Is it possible for children with low English language skills, learning impairments, or other special needs to learn and succeed on tests?
  • Is there a policy on homework? Is it in accordance with your expectations for the amount of homework your child should complete?
  • Do you want your child to attend a single-gender (all-boy or all-girl) or coeducational school?
  • What is the size of the classes?

Academic performance

  • What are the test scores of the school in comparison to those of other schools? (If it’s a public school, look at the report card; if it’s a private school, ask the school for details.) On school report cards, look for the ‘Parent Tip.’)
  • Have exam results improved or deteriorated in recent years?
  • What is the school’s explanation for the increase or decrease? How well did children who were similar to yours do on these tests?
  • How do pupils who are transitioning to the next level of education fare in their new schools?
  • How many kids drop out before finishing the last grade?
  • What notable accomplishments or awards has the institution received?

A code of conduct

  • What does the school do to promote character and citizenship development?
  • What is the policy on discipline? How does the school deal with misbehaving students?
  • Is it true that instructors respond to pupils fairly? Is there a program and resources in place at the school to help students avoid and deal with behavioral issues?
  • Is it permissible for kids to leave school on their own?
  • What safety precautions has the school taken?
  • What safety precautions have been taken?
  • What is the school’s policy on absences?
  • How does the school encourage students to come to school every day?
  • When children are missing, do school officials contact their parents?
  • Is there a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program at the school?
  • Is there a dress code at your school?
  • Are students required to wear uniforms?


–          Is the school in a secure environment?

–          What strategies does the school use to prevent and address drug, alcohol, and tobacco-related issues?

–          What steps does the school take to prevent and address violence, bullying, harassment, and other types of abuse?

–          What security precautions does the school take? What safety precautions have you taken?

–          What kind of relationship does the school have with the local cops?

–          Is a police officer on duty during the school day and during extracurricular activities?

–          What information does the school have about severe crime?

–          What data is there on pupils who bring weapons to school?

–          Is there a local and national emergency plan in place at the school?

–          What steps does the school take to ensure that parents and administrators are aware of the emergency plan?

–          Is there any kind of practice?

–          When the school has to close due to an emergency, how does the school tell parents?

–           How does the school interact with parents who speak a language other than English?


Offers that are unique

  • After school or on weekends, what extracurricular activities does the school provide?
  • Is it possible for all pupils to participate in extracurricular activities?
  • What extracurricular activities do students have access to?
  • What intramural activities do students have access to?
  • What activity receive the most resources and attention?
  • Are there publications for students and for the school?
  • Is there a field trip program at your school?
  • Do all pupils have access to them?
  • Are there any parent-oriented publications accessible in other languages?


Step 3:  Go to a school and observe what is going on there.

Make an appointment to see the schools you’re interested in by contacting them. If feasible, visit a few classrooms and tour the schools during regular school hours. To obtain a genuine idea of how a school functions, avoid visiting during the first or last week of the term.

Scheduling an appointment with the school administrator is an excellent approach to get answers to your questions. Attend an open house, parent-teacher meeting, or other school activity if feasible, since this will give you with vital information about staff, students, and parents’ views.

Pay attention to what instructors have to say about the school. Teachers will be the ones who have the most contact with your child, so you’ll want to know if they’re well-prepared, devoted, and enthusiastic about their jobs.



–          Is the school secretary pleasant and helpful?

–          Is the school tidy and orderly?

–          How do the bulletin boards appear?

–          What are the methods for displaying student work?

–          What methods does the school use to communicate with students and parents (weekly/monthly newsletters, e-mail, or a website)?

–          Do the pupils look polite, cheerful, and well-behaved?

–          Is there an open door policy for all parents?

–          How are students with a wide range of learning requirements (for example, students with impairments and students with low English proficiency) handled?

–          Do the teachers appear to be approachable and helpful?



–          What is the principal’s education philosophy?

–          What is the principal’s stance on discipline?

–          What extracurricular activities do you think the principal is most interested in?

–          How well-known is the principal in the community?

–          Is the principal generally present at school and available to speak with parents?

–          Is the principal able to get to know the students?

–          How frequently does the principal conduct observations of teachers?

–          What steps does the school take to retain competent teachers and enhance teacher performance?

–          How does the principal handle parental concerns and complaints?

–          What is the principal’s approach toward kids with a wide range of learning needs (for example, children with disabilities and students with low English proficiency)?

–          What are the school’s strengths, according to the principal?

–          What are the school’s shortcomings, according to the principal?

–          Where, according to the principal, might the school improve?



–          How do teachers assess their students’ work?

–          Do teachers have high expectations for all pupils to attain high academic standards?

–          How do professors communicate their expectations to their students?

–          Do teachers discuss the course material and objectives with parents?

–          When and how often are instructors accessible for parent conferences?

–          Do teachers offer homework? Is it rigorous? Frequent? Sufficient?

–          Are the professors well competent to teach in their subject areas (do they know what they’re talking about)?

–          Do instructors have the skills and expertise to work with children who have unique learning needs?

–          Is there specialist personnel accessible to handle a child’s specific learning requirements (e.g., speech therapist, psychologist)?

–          Is there specialist professionals (e.g., speech therapists, psychologists, or aides) accessible to handle a child’s specific learning needs?

–          Do the professors have a personal knowledge of the pupils in their classes?

–          Is it possible for instructors to give extra assistance to students?

–          What is the school’s policy on responding to parent queries by teachers?

–          Are there websites where students and parents may find class notes and other information?



–          What is the student attendance rate?

–          What are the opinions of the pupils on the principal?

–          What do students have to say about their professors?

–          Is there any school spirit among the students?

–          What are students’ opinions on homework?

–          Do students like and participate in field trips?

–          Is the school a safe and secure environment for students?

–          What are the opinions of student publications?

–          What do students have to say about the school in general?


Parent and community involvement

  • What methods does the school use to increase parental participation?
  • What are some of the ways that parents may participate?
  • Is it encouraging for parents to volunteer?
  • Is there a parent-teacher organization at the school?
  • Is there a period when parents can attend meetings and events at the school?
  • How popular are back-to-school nights among parents?
  • Is it expected that families help with homework?
  • What is the frequency with which the school communicates with parents?
  • Is the school active with community leaders?
  • Is there any collaboration between the school and local companies and organizations?
  • Is it possible for parents to participate in the formulation of school policies?


  • What is the community’s opinion of the school?
  • How do other parents feel about the school?
  • Is the school well-liked by other schools, especially those that receive its pupils (when they go to the next level)?
  • Is there any recognition for the school?
  • Do individuals relocate to the neighborhood in order to attend school?
  • What do the school’s graduates have to say?
  • Have the school’s alumni made major contributions to the community and their chosen field?


Step 4:  Submit an application to the school of your choice.

You will go through the process of applying to a school (or schools) of your choosing and enrolling your kid once you have chosen the school(s) that you believe would be the greatest fit for your child. If your child is not accepted to their first choice, consider applying to multiple schools.

You should start this procedure as soon as possible to guarantee that you fulfill all of the dates.

Admissions procedures differ from one school to the next. You may be asked to give a school transcript, recommendations, or other documents in order for your kid to be evaluated or interviewed. It would be beneficial to understand about the school’s admissions requirements. You’ll want to double-check that your information about when and how to apply is correct.

Choose one or more colleges to which you want to apply.

  • Which schools would you want to apply to?
  • What is the deadline for each school’s application?

Before the deadlines, submit papers and applications.

  • Have you completed each school’s application in its entirety?
  • Have you submitted all of the needed supporting documents (deposit, student transcript, exam results, letters of reference) with your application?
  • Have you submitted your applications by the school’s deadline?

Follow up

  • Have you called each school to inquire about the progress of your child’s application?
  • When will you receive notification from the schools that your kid has been accepted?
  • When do you have to let the school know that your child intends to attend?
  • When will you tell your child’s schools that he or she will not be attending?



Congratulations on all of your hard work in getting to this stage. Your active engagement and interest for your child’s education will be extremely beneficial to him or her. You may now take the lead in ensuring that your son or daughter receives the greatest possible education by gathering information, speaking with other parents, touring schools, and using your freedom to choose. But this is only the beginning. You may help your kid go even farther by keeping active in their education, encouraging them to work hard, and offering additional learning opportunities at home and in the community. Remember that it is both your right and your obligation to ensure that your kid or daughter receives the best education possible.


Entrance Exams & Admissions

We’re counting down to our next entrance examination!
The next exam will hold on Saturday, May 15th, 2021.
This is your chance to secure the best Primary and Secondary education for your child, and join a community dedicated to the all-round development of its students.

Ladela School Admission

Helping Kids Deal With Bullies

Helping Kids Deal With Bullies

A bully can make something as simple as going to the bus stop or recess a nightmare for children. Bullying has the potential to cause profound emotional wounds. In severe cases, it might include threats of violence, property destruction, or someone being gravely injured.

If your child is being bullied, you want to do everything you can to stop it. You can assist your kid in coping with teasing, bullying, or malicious gossip and reduce the long-term effects. Even if bullying isn’t a problem in your home right now, it’s vital to talk about it so your children are prepared if it arises.


When Does Bullying Become Bullying?

At some time, every child is taunted by a sibling or a friend. When done in a playful, pleasant, and reciprocal manner, it is typically not damaging, and both children find it amusing. When teasing becomes nasty, rude, and persistent, it becomes bullying and must be stopped.

Bullying is the deliberate torturing of another person in physical, verbal, or psychological means. It can take many forms, including beating, shoving, name-calling, threats, and ridiculing, as well as extortion of money and property. Some children bully others by avoiding them and spreading false information about them. Others utilize social media or text messages to tease or damage others’ sentiments.

It’s critical to treat bullying seriously rather than dismissing it as something that children must “tough out.” The consequences can be severe, affecting children’s feelings of safety and self-worth. Bullying has been linked to catastrophes such as suicides and school fights in the past.


Why Do Children Bully Each Other?

Bullying occurs for a variety of causes among children. They may target children because they require a victim — someone who seems emotionally or physically weaker, or just acts or appears differently in some manner — in order to feel more important, popular, or in command. Bullies aren’t necessarily bigger or stronger than their victims.

Because of how they’ve been handled, some children harass others. They may believe their actions are typical since they come from families or other environments where everyone gets upset and screams or calls each other names on a daily basis. People are “voted off,” ostracized, or humiliated for their looks or lack of talent on several famous TV shows, which appears to foster meanness.


What Are Bullying’s Symptoms?

It’s difficult to determine whether your child is being bullied unless he or she tells you about it or has obvious bruises or injuries.

However, there are several red flags. Parents may observe that their children:

  • Not eating, sleeping well, or doing the activities they typically like seem differently or appear nervous appear moodier or more easily irritated than usual avoid certain situations (like taking the bus to school)

If you suspect bullying but your child is reluctant to talk about it, think of creative methods to bring it up. For example, you may ask, “What do you think of this?” or “What do you think that individual should have done?” after seeing a situation on TV. “Have you ever seen this happen?” or “Have you ever experienced this?” could be some of the inquiries that arise. You might wish to talk about any childhood events you or a family member experienced.

Make it clear to your children that if they are being bullied or harassed — or witness it happening to someone else — they should tell someone, whether it’s you, another adult (a teacher, school counselor, or family friend), or a sibling.


What Role Can Parents Play?

Listen quietly and provide comfort and support if your child tells you that he or she has been bullied. Kids are frequently hesitant to inform adults about bullying because they are embarrassed and humiliated that it is occurring, or they are concerned that their parents would be disappointed, sad, angry, or reactive if they do.

Sometimes children believe that it is their fault, that things would be different if they looked or acted differently. They’re sometimes afraid that if the bully finds out they told, things will grow worse. Others are concerned that their parents will not believe them or take action. Alternatively, children may be concerned that their parents may pressure them to fight back when they are afraid to.

By talking to you about it, praise your youngster for doing the right thing. Reassure your youngster that they are not alone; many individuals are bullied at some time in their lives. Explain that the bully, not your child, is behaving inappropriately. Assure your youngster that you will work together to find a solution.

In studies, the majority of children and teenagers agree that bullying occurs at school. Inform someone at school about the problem (principal, school nurse, counselor, or teacher). They can often keep an eye on things and take action to prevent problems from escalating.

Because “bullying” can refer to a variety of scenarios, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works in one circumstance might not work in another. The age of the children involved, the severity of the problem, and the type of bullying behaviors will all play a role in determining the best course of action.

If you hear that the bullying will get worse if the bully finds out your child told or if physical damage is threatened, take it seriously. It might be beneficial to approach the bully’s parents on occasion. However, in most instances, instructors or counselors should be contacted first. If you’ve exhausted those options and still want to meet with the bullying child’s parents, it’s preferable to do so in the presence of a school official who can mediate, such as a counselor.

Anti-bullying policies and initiatives are commonplace here at Ladela. Bullying laws and regulations exist. Learn about the laws that apply to your neighborhood. You may need to notify legal authorities if you have significant worries about your child’s safety.


Advice for Kids

If bullying occurs, parents may assist their children in learning how to cope with it. It may be tempting for some parents to advise their children to fight back. After all, you’re upset that your child is suffering, and you may have been encouraged as a youngster to “stand up for yourself.” Alternatively, you may be concerned that your child may be bullied in the future and believe that fighting back is the only way to put a bully in their place.

However, it is critical to educate children not to fight or bully back in response to bullying. It has the potential to swiftly devolve into violence, chaos, and injury. Instead, move away from the scene, socialize with others, and inform an adult.

Here are some additional ways youngsters might feel better and improve their situation:

  • Use the buddy system to avoid the bully. If a bully is around, use a separate bathroom, and don’t go to your locker if no one else is there. Make sure you have someone with you so you don’t have to face the bully alone. On the bus, in the corridors, at recess — wherever the bully is — team up with a friend. Offer to help a buddy in the same way.


  • Keep your rage in check. It’s normal to be offended by the bully, but bullies live on it. It gives them a sense of authority. Practice not weeping or looking red or angry as a reaction. It takes a lot of effort, but it’s a valuable talent for avoiding a bully’s attention. Counting to ten, writing down angry words, taking deep breaths, or walking away are some of the “cool down” methods that youngsters find helpful. Teaching children to keep their faces calm until they are free of any danger is sometimes the best thing to do (smiling or laughing may provoke the bully).
  • Act brave, move away, and don’t pay attention to the bully. Tell the bully to come to a halt and then walk away. Act disinterested or contact someone on your mobile to distract yourself from the unpleasant words. You’re demonstrating that you don’t care by ignoring the bully. The bully will probably grow tired of bothering you at some point.
  • Inform an adult. Teachers, principals, parents, and school lunchroom staff may all play a role in preventing bullying.
  • It’s something to talk about. Speak with a trusted adult such as a guidance counselor, teacher, brother, or friend. They might be able to provide some useful advice. Even if they are unable to resolve the problem, they may be able to make you feel less alone.


Building Confidence

Bullying may have a negative impact on a child’s self-esteem. Encourage your children to spend time with peers who have a good impact to help repair it. Participating in organizations, sports, and other fun activities strengthens individuals and fosters connections.

Provide a sympathetic ear in difficult times, but also urge your children to tell you about the positive aspects of their day and to listen carefully. Assure them that you believe in them and that you will do all possible to stop any bullying.


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